2024 LARE Prep Week: Mastering the LARE: Strategies for Success

Recorded On: 05/21/2024

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This session brings together successful exam candidates who will share their personalized studying strategies, offering invaluable insights and tips on how to effectively prepare for and excel in the L.A.R.E.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • What study techniques and methods successful candidates used for the L.A.R.E.
  • How to create a personalized study plan that fits your learning style and schedule.
  • Strategies for optimizing study time and maximizing retention of crucial exam content.
  • Tips for staying motivated and focused throughout your exam preparation journey.
  • Common pitfalls to avoid and keys to success from those who have been in your shoes.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain knowledge from those who have conquered the L.A.R.E. and take your exam preparation to the next level!

Dana Hernalsteen, PLA

Landscape Architect

GMB Architects

Elizabeth Van Sickel, PLA


Emily Hill, ASLA, PLA

Gresham Smith

Emily graduated in 2018 from Ohio State University and moved to Louisville, Kentucky shortly after to begin her professional career. In the time since she graduated, she has gained experience in residential landscape design, design-build, parks and recreation, greenways and trail planning, commercial design, and urban landscape architecture. She currently works at Gresham Smith in downtown Louisville as a Landscape Architect. Emily took two LARE sections in the previous format and two in the current format, earning her licensure in the spring of 2024.

Kyle Stillwell, PLA

Kyle Stillwell, ASLA, PLA, is a Registered Landscape Architect in New York State, practicing in the Buffalo, NY region.  Kyle originally obtained an undergraduate degree in engineering and worked as an engineer for 4 years before he decided to make a life change and pursue a career that would allow him to focus on his true passions: environmentalism and human-focused urban design.  In 2016 he entered the MLA program at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse, NY.  After graduating in 2019, Kyle returned to his hometown of Buffalo, NY to begin working in the field Landscape Architecture. From April 2022 to April 2023 he successfully completed all four sections of the LARE, and in the spring of this year, 2024, he registered as a Landscape Architect with New York State.

Jessica Colvin, PLA

UC Davis

Jessica Colvin is a licensed landscape architect in California working in private design and teaching in the landscape architecture program at UC Davis. Jessica’s design experience ranges from national park sites to high end residential projects with a particular affinity for designing with maintenance in mind without sacrificing attention to detail. 


05/21/2024 at 3:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 05/21/2024  |  63 minutes
05/21/2024 at 3:00 PM (EDT)  |  Recorded On: 05/21/2024  |  63 minutes
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Post LARE Prep Webinar Evaluation
5 Questions