BIG PARKS, BIG IMPACTS: Raising the Stakes for Performative Landscapes - 1.0 PDH (LA CES/HSW)

Recorded On: 10/29/2023

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Landscape architects touch only one percent of the planet's surface, but massive public parks present an outsized opportunity to advance climate action, implement carbon-positive design, and increase biodiversity. With an evidence-based approach guiding design decisions, innovative examples demonstrate how complex projects can offer transferable and replicable lessons for projects of any scale.

Learning objectives:

  • Explore how the profession is embracing a more science- and evidence-based approach to the design process, focusing on emissions, embodied carbon, operational carbon, sequestration, and biodiversity metrics.
  • Understand how to take responsibility for the climate impacts of projects at any scale through immersion in the design process of three post-industrial landscapes.
  • Learn about the various tools that designers use to calculate carbon, measure biodiversity, and conduct public engagement and outreach efforts (e.g., Pathfinder, Carbon Conscience, etc.).
  • Interact with designers of three of the world's largest public parks currently in design, permitting, and construction phases, and engage with them in a group brainstorming session on best practices.

Michael Grove, FASLA

Chair of Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Ecology


Michael is the Chair of Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering, and Ecology at Sasaki, a global design firm with offices in Boston, Denver, and Shanghai. He is a fierce advocate for the vital role landscape architects play in shaping contemporary cities. Informed by a rigorous inquiry of economic, ecological, and cultural influences, Michael believes that the role of the designer is to make cities livable, equitable, resilient, and just. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Landscape Architects, serves on the board of directors for the Landscape Architecture Foundation, and teaches at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design.

Lucinda Sanders, FASLA

Partner and CEO


Cindy is President and CEO of OLIN. She has a core belief that transforming thinking transforms place, and she is eager to bring this idea to the design table wherever she works. Cindy is responsible for continually shaping OLIN as a leader in design excellence and has led the design of many of OLIN’s signature award-winning projects. She is the co-founder of OLIN LABS, the studio’s in-house research practice. Outside of OLIN, she is dedicated to the advancement of the field of landscape architecture and urban design including the co-creation of the Landscape Architecture Foundation’s Fellowship for Innovation and Leadership.

Dillon Diers, ASLA



As a Partner at OJB, Dillon is passionate about creating expressive landscapes that illustrate his finely tuned sense of innovative design. Throughout his career, he has collaborated on a wide range of projects throughout the United States and Mexico. Studying the intersection of the natural and social context of a place to inform the public realm is central to Dillon’s design process. Underpinning all of his work is a cohesive approach to planting design, a deep respect for sense-of-place, and an ethic of environmental responsibility. Dillon is also a thoughtful writer and speaker with contributions to both ASLA and ULI.


Video: BIG PARKS, BIG IMPACTS: Raising the Stakes for Performative Landscapes - 1.0 PDH (LA CES/HSW)
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11 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  9/11 points to pass
11 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  9/11 points to pass Successful completion of this quiz is required to earn PDH for this webinar.
1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available
8 Questions
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