Building Up and Planning Out: Centering People in Long Range Land Use Plans - 1.0 PDH (LA CES/HSW)

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This presentation and panel discussion will explore high level and brass tacks approaches for working to implement Baltimore’s Green Network Plan in two different Baltimore neighborhoods. The presenters will compare notes, unpack solutions and inspiration from working to find locally nuanced, affirmative and capacity-building approaches to center people in the implementation of large-scale land planning efforts.

Hosted by ASLA's Landscape—Land Use Planning Professional Practice Network (PPN)

Learning objectives:

  • Compare the opportunities and challenges to implementing large scale plans for land (and people!) in Baltimore.
  • Identify the original goals of the Baltimore City Green Network Plan and describe how they have been translated through implementation into two different communities through community-led, resident-driven planning and plan implementation.
  • Understand locally nuanced frameworks for creating new green space.
  • Describe lessons learned from practitioners working on the ground to build capacity, translate and implement citywide and city - created plans to the site and neighborhood levels in Baltimore.

Kimberley Knox

Greening Coordinator

Baltimore Green Network

Dr. Doris Minor-Terrell


New Broadway East Community Association

Johndre Jennings

Director of Real Estate & Housing Development

Druid Heights Community Development Corporation


Video: Building Up and Planning Out: Centering People in Long Range Land Use Plans - 1.0 PDH (LA CES/HSW)
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10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  7/10 points to pass
10 Questions  |  Unlimited attempts  |  7/10 points to pass Successful completion of this quiz is required to earn your PDH for this webinar.
8 Questions
1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available
1.00 PDH credit  |  Certificate available