Measuring Joy: Quantifying the Social and Economic Impacts of Public Realm Interventions - 1.25 PDH (LA CES/HSW)
Includes a Live Web Event on 04/10/2025 at 1:00 PM (EDT)
- Non-member - $50
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- Student Member - Free!
- Associate Member - Free!
Art and culture—like many public realm enhancements—may be their own rewards, but investors want data. This session presents a framework for quantifying economic and social impacts of public space interventions, using both technology and DIY tools, and a methodology for ensuring impact is attributed to the intervention.
Learning Outcomes:
- Learn tools and strategies to identify and calculate financial vitality attributed to an intervention.
- Measure the ripples of a project on well-being, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Explore strategies to minimize noise around data and clarify causality.
- Learn how to weave impact measurement into the heart of a project, ensuring that strategies to keep traces on usage are captured and archived for future analysis, while preserving user privacy.
Note: This webinar was originally presented as part of ASLA’s 2024 conference. Please check your LA CES PDH record (under the "Professional Development" tab in your ASLA member account on asla.org) if you are not sure whether you've already earned PDH for this presentation.
This webinar is sponsored by SmithGroup

Mouna Andraos
Daily tous les jours
Mouna Andraos is the co-founder of the award-winning, art and design studio, Daily tous les jours, encouraging citizens to play an active role in the transformation of their cities. She is an adjunct professor in design and computation arts at Concordia University and is also on the board of directors at the Société des arts technologiques. Mouna is also a graduate from New York University's Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP) and an alumna of Eyebeam Center for Art and Technology in New York City. Past recognitions include a Best of Show at the SXSW Festival and a Cyber Lion in Cannes.

Joshua Bloom
Economic Development Strategist
The Lakota Group
Joshua Bloom is a leader in the revitalization of historic commercial districts. He uses local data to craft market-based strategies that help cities and communities build economically differentiated, dynamic places. Josh also has deep interest in social enterprise and community-owned businesses. He is board vice president of Weavers Way Cooperative, a community-owned grocery store in Philadelphia with four retail locations and $40 million in annual sales.

Leyla Nahas
Business Development Associate
Daily tous les jours
Leyla’s work is guided by the desire to build a better collective future. As the business development associate, she uses her skills and knowledge in international public relations to spread Daily’s magic signature across the world.
As in most Daily projects, music plays a central role in Leyla’s life. She has been a world music appreciation teacher and has hosted several radio shows. She was a Public Affairs Attachée at the Canadian Embassy in Paris, and a consultant in communication and public relations in the cultural field. She holds a Masters in International Relations from the Geneva Graduate Institute.