(On-Demand) Navigating the Risks of Generative AI in Landscape Architecture

The rapidly evolving technological environment and exciting potential of generative AI has led landscape architects to consider how they can incorporate these new tools into their processes. Though this new technology promises numerous benefits, it can also present risks and challenges that should be addressed for ethical and responsible practice. This session is designed to discuss some of the legal issues raised by the emergence of generative AI and identify strategies landscape architects can use to effectively navigate these risks.

Frank Musica

Professional Liability Risk Advisor

Victor Insurance Managers LLC

Frank Musica has a professional degree in architecture from the University of Notre Dame. After working for design firms in Chicago, he returned to Notre Dame to teach and to obtain both a master’s in business administration and a law degree. Frank has used his education and practice experience to work with design and construction firms and the professional societies and trade associations representing their interests.

Following a decade of practice in architecture, engineering and planning, Frank became a lobbyist and program manager in three national professional organizations for architects and engineers focusing on federal and state regulations and legislation on procurement, taxation, practice management, and professional liability issues.

For over thirty years, Frank has worked as a practice management risk advisor with Victor Insurance Managers LLC, the originator of professional liability insurance programs and other coverages specifically tailored for architects, engineers, and other professional service firms. Frank develops risk management information from the Victor base of claims information and looks ahead at changes in the marketplace for professional services, in the legal treatment of design and construction professionals, and in the interaction between technological and information management advances and practice management techniques and responsibilities.

Mika Dewitz-Cryan

Risk Management Consultant

Victor Insurance Managers LLC

Mika Dewitz-Cryan is a graduate of American University and the Washington College of Law in Washington, DC and is a current member of the AI Subcommittee for the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC). Her background includes practice in the areas of construction law, employment law, and real estate law. Mika joined Victor’s risk advisory group in 2023 and draws on almost a decade of experience in risk management to provide design professionals with guidance in the areas of risk management, claims support and contract review services.


Recorded 06/05/2024  |  60 minutes
Recorded 06/05/2024  |  60 minutes